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Reply to "The old days"

Originally Posted by Baz:

  Well we just used to throw them up in the air and try and catch as many as we could o the back of our hands........ Scraps were little paper cut outs, of all sort of things, but mostly Victorian ladies etc....... Oh and what about Pick a Stix???


Oooh yeah, we used to throw them up and catch them too - we played that with the jacks as well.  I suppose it depended on who remembered to bring their jacks/stones in to school that day as to how we played the game


Yep, remember Pick a Stix - those plus marbles must be the fore runner to Kerplunk, surely?


And I had two cut out dollies with 'real' hair - 1 blonde and 1 brunette.  I used to love playing with them as they were really good quality and didn't tear easily.


Cinderella shoes..!  Pink plasticky glittery heeled thingies with elastic straps to hold them in place..!!!!  God, they were awful when you look back, and no where near as good as the ones they make for kiddies nowadays
