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Reply to "The British electorate and Tory Stockholm Syndrome"

Baz posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Carnelian posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Carnelian posted:
Yogi19 posted:

IMO, insulting the electorate and calling them thick, is highly unlikely to be a vote winner.

If you really want people to vote Labour, you might consider changing tactics.


Sorry, I don't buy that at all.  Voters have a duty to gather as much facts as they can and process those facts before they vote.  I go on the Daily Mail website and read the comments of their readers and they will happily applaud a right wing perceive truth and red arrow the truth, because it doesn't match their prejudices.  

If voters are bone idle and lazy and are happy to be spoon fed propaganda by the popularist propaganda rags.  They deserve all the scorn coming to them.  The popularist right wing rags will tickle their useful idiots under the chin and defend their gullibility as a rational logical considered opinion.  The right wing rags will always defend their useful idiots.  You're right that useful idiots get offended whey their idiocy is exposed and would prefer to be flatted as coming to a conclusion through their own observation, but if you read a rag like the Sun, Mail, Star or Daily Mail, you're a useful idiot.

That smacks of "read the same newspapers as me/come to the same conclusions as me/think the same as me/vote the same as me - otherwise you're an idiot"

FYI, I don't read any of the newspapers you mentioned and I'd be very interested to know which newspapers are on Carnelian's approved reading list.


IMO, there is a huge difference between someone who is passionate about their political beliefs and a political zealot who thinks anyone who doesn't agree with them is an idiot.



Sorry, but if you go on the DM website, you will see people approving of things that aren't true but do appear to confirm their prejudices.  If I went on the DM and wrote "disgraceful BBC has all female, all black list for head of Midlands Online Media Projects" their readership would approve it because it fits their prejudices.  The fact that I made it up wouldn't matter and if someone commented that it was rubbish, they would disapprove of the rebuke because it challenges their bigotry.  Seen it time and time again on that website.


So for the record, I've come to my conclusion not by going on the Guardian, The Morning Star, The New Statesman but by visiting popular right wing media sites and seeing how their readership reacts to falsehoods that I know to be absolute rubbish.


Try it for yourself, go on the DM site, make something up like "Corbyn once stamped on a red poppy at a CND demo" and see how many approvals you get.  I challenge you on that!

Seriously?! You want me to go onto the website of a newspaper I don't read and  make up a downright lie, so that you can prove you the lie will get "likes"?


I see you decided to do it by yourself. When you have stopped patting yourself on the back for getting the response you hoped for, I hope you take a step back and see how your "challenge" appears to others.

BTW, I hope the lie isn't something you can be sued for.


I was playing yesterday with my 4 year old granddaughter and she set me a challenge - to build a volcano made of sand. Guess whose challenge was the more mature and better use of my time? I'll give you a clue, it wasn't yours!


To save multi quoting, I am not the one who has been arrogant and sneering, that has been your role.

I don't have a pipe and have never smoked. If you have one, feel free to puff on it as long as you like.


Anyway, I can't take you seriously any more, so feel free to rant away to your hearts content.

Empty vessels Yogi ....empty vessels  
