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Reply to "The British electorate and Tory Stockholm Syndrome"

Dame_Ann_Average posted:
pirate1111 posted:

yeah..but seeing as most MSM is owned by tax avoiders, its in medias interest NOT to report about these, in my opinion, well in anybody normal opinions, disgraceful abuses of office.

jeez, 40yrs ago, they'd have been slung out of office! 

it goes to show how much sway the media has, how many backhanders are given and how stupid some are to believe the information theyre hand fed


and now a poll is involved...polls are owned by the rich and meant to influence voters. I saw some of the YouGov was disgraceful. I can't believe people fall for all this crap and ignore the failures of this government  and the NHS which is falling apart at the seams and ripe for privatising fully.  

yougov was started by a tory & is owned by a tory..if they ever put labour as winning, its because theyre trying to seem impartial
