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Reply to "The Bird Sanctuary"

Yogi, thanks for the gasmask - it really helped and I feel fine as a result. The men had finished by 1 as it was straight forward work.

You should have seen the state of the house before I had started getting the work done! I know I've had a lot of work done, and there's still more to be done, but the most urgent work is now done, and I can get the rest done in stages when it suits me. As you say its been an upheaval, but knowing that I've now got the money to be able to do the work makes it feel less stressful than it otherwise would have been. I know this work has been going on and off for weeks, but I wanted it done this way to be able to keep it under control.

Joyron, I'm sorry to hear you're having a really bad day, but tomorrow will be better and try not to get too stressed about Sunday - as you say take a back seat and let thne others do the work.
El Loro