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Reply to "The Archers....R4"

Now, don't go on at me about this, but isn't Lilian a bit old for that kind of thing? She must be an old age pensioner. Look, I knew you were going to be like this but, speaking personally, when Lilian breathed "Paul, let's go up to your room!" my reaction was, "On second thoughts, if stairs are involved, I think I'll give it a miss." Bus pass and winter fuel allowance notwithstanding, Lilian reminds me of Mehitabel, the rackety alley cat, whose indomitable motto is "Toujours gai! There's a dance in the old dame yet!", though her knees go off like pistol shots as she dances. That must be why Matt always calls her Pusscat. She calls him Tiger. Perhaps because of his fearful symmetry. Or because he eats builders for breakfast.
Garage Joe