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Reply to "Stephen Hawking: I'm worried about the future of the NHS"

Carnelian posted:
Yogi19 posted:
Carnelian posted:
Yogi19 posted:

Labour supporter slags off Tory Govenment shocker. 


1.That is what Labour supporters tend to do.  If Hawking thought the Tories were great he'd be a Tory!  You know, like  Clarkson, Jim Davidson, Baronesse Bra and the repugnant Katie Hopkins 


2.Yogi19: Tory supporter dismisses criticism by a considerable intellectual superior to him/herself and 3.someone who has first hand experience of the NHS and appreciates its role in his life.  But hey, Yogi19 thinks Hawking's views are invalid because he recently came out in favour of Labour.


4.Are Tory voters the only 'legitimate' critiques of this minority government?


5.Have you ever thought that the reason Hawking doesn't support your favourite party on this is because he understands and has first hand experience of what the NHS has done for him and the dangers in flogging it all off to private concerns?



1. Well colour me shocked! That was my point, no surprise there!

2. I'm female, and miaow, you need to be careful, your claws are showing.

3. If you knew anything about me - which you obviously don't - you'd know I have had almost two decades of first hand experience of the NHS for a chronic and debilitating illness. I grant you, nothing as horrendous as MND but I am not without experience of the failings of the NHS - under both Labour and Tory governments.

4. No and I never said they were.

5. I'm sure he has several reasons for his political party of choice, as do most people.




1. Hawking is not exactly the typical Labour voter.  He's come out in favour of Labour because he believes the Tories are wrecking the NHS.  As do I.


2. So what about Hawking's views makes you dismiss them?  I assume you'd concede that Hawking is your intellectual superior and has come to his conclusions by logic and experience - and his opinions can't just be dismissed by 'well, that's just what a leftie luvvie would say'?


3. Fair enough, so why the hostility to Hawking?  


4. yep


5. I'm sure he does, but he's a very rich man who like most rich men would naturally gravitate to selfishness and Tory support.  He hasn't, so he's one of few, he's an aberration among his group.  


1. In this day and age, things have moved on and he's hardly an atypical Labour supporter. There are plenty of wealthy people who have tied their flag to the Labour Party mast - just as some people from working class backgrounds now support the Tories.

2. There is no doubt that Stephen Hawking has an incredible intellect, that doesn't mean I have to agree with every opinion he proffers.

3. You appear to be associating a difference of opinion, with hostility. I find it perfectly easy to respect someone and yet disagree on certain topics.

Absolutely no hostility coming from me towards Stephen Hawking. I have a great admiration for his intellect and great sympathy for the way he has been affected by MND.

4. Nope 

5. There seem to be plenty of rich men within the Labour Party. I remind you of the multi millionaire El Milliband and the 7 millionaires who were in his Shadow Cabinet and the many rich people who are Labour Party supporters, so Stephen Hawking is hardly an aberration.

