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Reply to "Sharing........"

Originally Posted by Rexi:

Hey ferny one


I get what you're saying, but I wonder what the figures would look like if those big conglomerates left our country? How much tax would we lose out on from their workers? How much would our benefits bill go up?


We are being firmly held over the proverbial barrel

Hey Sweetness 

Well...for example...let's take Starbucks......throw them out!
we still have Nero's and every other local coffee house....Paying their taxes like they should!
Starbucks would be NO loss!
Vodafone!....can think of many other mobile providers..whom all pay their taxes ...
I could go on...

Annnnd....we shouldn't be known for a country where a large corporation can just take advantage!
They take our money...they should pay our taxes!
