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Reply to "Ryanair"

Saint posted:
Moonie posted:
Enthusiastic Contrafibularities posted:


Given that someone at Ryanair messed up when it came to pilots annual leave and now they have too few pilots to fulfil all of their booked flights.


How then are all of these pilots going to get to their vacation destination?





Fly with a more reliable company? 

I doubt they'll fly elsewhere cos they'll get huge discounts with Rynair.

Even greater if the trolley dollies fly the planes - after all 'they fly themselves' 


I doubt that very much since the pilots even have to BUY a bottle of water when they're on shift.     O'leary is a money grabbing scumbag who seems to treat his staff with the same couldn't care less attitude he does his customers.   I guess the pilots will probably fly off on their hols with Norwegian Air.. which, according to the rumour is where most of them have now defected to - the real reason for the shortage.  Seriously... it's going on till March now - do we really believe they have so much leave to catch up on?

Last edited by Kaffs