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Reply to "Paralympic Oscar Pistorius"

Originally Posted by Pengy:

allegedly the Defence are up in arms that this has leaked  and tried to get an injunction to stop it being shown.  Too late.


Have to query why show it now?

It was made immediately after OP had testified so could be construed as just being his version.

Most of what is in it, is court footage so nothing we've not seen already with the few added clips of him walking on his stumps and dragging Aimee about the place


It's been alleged that a so called expert [I don't know who] has decided OP must be innocent having seen this video 


quite a few of the journos who have seen it in Oz say it neither supports the Defence or State so is of little use except sensationalism


the State are Nelshocked [geddit?] by this turning up at this late stage 


it's all very dodgy Pengy, I can't get my had around OP having PTSD and being able to do this  I'm thinking WTF, its sick and just something to bolster his case, paid for by him 
