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My friend called me :)

Just some info, for those who were following the issue I had with my pal, where I was the one always chasing her and I was getting fed up of it; especially as she hadn't replied to 3 or 4 of my texts and phone messages... Well, she called me today and asked if I wanted to meet up for coffee on Friday... Thumbs Up

So it worked! Letting her know that I wouldn't contact her again and would wait for her to contact 'me' actually worked. She phoned me today. Guess she does value the friendship after all, and is just not brilliant at making contact. Smiler

If you remember, the last text I sent (about 2 weeks ago,) was 'I won't contact you again now, I will wait for you to contact me as you seem to be quite busy and frazzled just now, so I don't want to add to your stress by badgering you anymore;' and she texted me straight back and said 'sorry for being uselss, I will definately contact you after half term.' And she did, so I am very pleased. Smiler As I said, it looks like she does value the friendship after all...

Thanks for your support everyone who replied to my threads from the week before last.

Pixie xxx
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