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Reply to "Masterchef: The Professionals 2017"

Week 3 part 1:-

First chef (Bradley) made  a good attempt. Quite close to Marcus' version.


2nd chef (Craig) did even better, I think.


3rd chef (Alan) got into a bit of a fankle at the start. He did manage to produce something that looked quite good, but just wasn't good enough! Poor him.


4th chef (Lee) A few things he could have done better, but not too bad an attempt.


Order of chefs so far:- 2, 1, 4, 3


Chef 5 (Chris) Came across as less precise, refined and professional. His desert was, in looks, on a par with chefs 3 and 4, but that lack of something puts him in 5th place.


Chef 6 (Stephen) Poor guy, bag of nerves! But I think he has potential. I think he just edged chef 5 into 6th place.


Order after 1st round:- 2, 1, 4, 3, 6, 5.



Round 2


Stephen up first and his dish doesn't look anything special and the judges comment aren't advancing things either! Sounds like he'll not be going anywhere but home


Craig has done as well in this round as in the first! He is destined for greatness. I'd even eat his lamb.  


Poor Alan. Pretty disastrous round for him. Raw everything! I think he's on his way home too.


Chris' wasn't too bad. If a lack of gravy was the worst of it I don't think he needs to worry.


Lee' s lamb is raw! IMO


Reaction to Bradley's dish was a bit so-so


So where are we now? I think Stephen. Alan and Lee will be going home.








Oooooh....... Stephen, Alan and Bradley, not Lee.

Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing
Last edited by Extremely Fluffy Fluffy Thing