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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

Steve in the nest with Keeley and Rachel, he's swearing alot and showing off
Dave says the liver stinks
Keever saying she's not going to lick ar-e with the new Hm, she has tried more with Andrew as he seemed lost when he first got there
Steve still flirting in the nest with the 2 new girls
JJ says everyone is going to give Andrew a 10, so keeley can't win
keever thinks Corin may be happy but the singing get's on her nerves, JJ thinks she's acting
JJ thinks it shows little respect that corin goes round singing when there's 12 other people in the house, it's like singing at a funeral
Ben found it hurtful when he stayed over Govan and no0one cared they just cried for Govan leaving, Keever says she was happy Ben stayed
Keever doesn't like the way Corin was saying she was lovin it when Shabby had only just left
Andrew is still cooking the liver  shoe leather for dinner then