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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

Sunshine giving Govan pep talk in Kitchen, telling him not to dwell on it (easier said than done, esp for Govan..)

She says that’s what she did last week..

Nommed hm’s are scooting around in the livingrm but BB tlls them to stop.

JJ giving them tips on how to scoot.. SD

Dave reckons he’s in a lose lose situation either he loses the task or if he wins he has to pick someone else. He carries on to say that at least he’ll get to see his family and doesn’t really mind losing this task. He thinks the noms this week are spot on, and he was put up cos people prob felt that he dodged the bullet last week.

Dave adds he’s like shabby to win the task.

Sunshine going over the advantages and disadvantages of size in completing task successfully.. SD

More SD..

Ife leaning back on sifa in her white hoody and sunglasses perched on head. She’s talking about the “trainers with wheels on” (roller blades maybe? ) and how they are difficult to use.


Ife and Sunshine now discussing tactics
