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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

waves to Emplula and Kimota

Nominated HM's are called tot he DR.

Shabby has been am dramming her response to being up again ..hamming it up no end. .wonder who'll get the blame this week for ehr being up

the HM's go to the Dr and say sin't Caoimhe in there..

Ife says where is she then

Steve says maybe she has something to do with it

and my feed keeps freezing again

Sunshine is shocked that Govan is up..

Nathan says the majority of those up have been involved in barney's..  (he's sitting with his arms arounf JJ and Josie on either side of him)

the HM's come out of the DR with a little scooter thingy

they wonder where Caoimhe is...

(I know where she is.. she sat listening to Ben drone on for two hours.. )

the task is called the scooter slide

they have to take it in turns to go down the slide and not knock over any columns. .think the fastest and the one that knocks over the least amount of column wins..
Mount Olympus *Olly*