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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

cheers Kaytee from me and am sure from the otehrs

Still no sound from the house..

am still trying to sort my shopping list.. 

sound up and Mario wonders if Caiomhe is listening to Noms

Bb voice pipes up the noms will be announced..

worried faces in a few places

BB says HM's up are

Shabby (standard she says)  govan shakes his head


Dave (Ben looks shocked)


Govan  he laughs


Ben who is looking worried..

and? Shabby asks or is it just us

Bb tells them about the save yourself task

Dave says not again..

Shabby says to Govan didn't I say it was going to be 4 . .I did din't I? adds she never mentioned names tho..
Mount Olympus *Olly*