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Reply to "Live Update Thread - Big Brother 11 - Ultimate Big Brother"

Morning Olly! I had a long slog of a day yesterday and missed all of LF, just about caught the HL show then crashed out. Fab effort on yesterday's LUTting & LOL at your shopping attempts. (if only we could be in suspended animation for the duration, eh? 
Am all caught up with the overnight stuff - Cheers brisket and erinp for that 
Also, a big thanks to all the lurkers who popped in to show us some LUURRRVVE, man! Your appreciation is muchly appreciated..   
Today I am home so I'll be around to help out- just gonna do one or two chores first *groans*
*waves to sossy*  Hiya! I remember you! How've you been? I also remember apricot.. is she still around, maybe under a different id?
anyway, laters..

Mario Dave JJ Josie Ben in Garden sunbathing 
JJ thinks most of the hm's walk around with faces like thunder  
except for Ife.
Caoimhe & Shabby still in bed. Shabby wondering wht the worst thing the tree could do to her and then DR calls for Shabby. "Oh noooo" she says as she gets up. Caoimhe "I'll be here"

Okay, off to do HW, bbl