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Shabby joins the boys

she reminds them Noms are tomorrow.

John asks if she is thinking about that already

Shabby says yeah. .she knows who she wouldn't nominate. .as she expects others do too.. but she hasn't made her mind up who to pick from the remainder yet.. she is looking forward to nominating tho

Dave says he's finding it difficult in there atm

Shabby latches on. .asks if he wants to go home..

Dave says no no it's not like that I ahve not settled yet. .I usually settle in quicker but I haven't yet ..this is not who I am..

Shabby so you need a few weeks to settle in?

Dave I am concerned the public and you lot are getting a caricature of me that isn't; really me. . like some boring old fart that lays around

he's hoping the feeling will break and his usual self will come out all of a sudden. .he is missing his family ..

Shabby says so if you found you were Nom;d on the Monday then you get the break and the real you comes out the following day you'd not be a happy bunny..

Dave says exactly if this feeling breaks and I've been nominated.. .and  [basically he is saying don;t out me up until the real me has at least come out]

oooooooooh  huge nomo talk going on

Shabby talking about her and a few others not wanting to be up this week...  she says the week will be funny cos they will get a feel for how the hosue is thinking then get their first taste of an eviction

John thinks BB will show them the Noms

Shabby says it will be horrid cos BB doesn;t elt them say anything but horri things about the people

they are struggling for reason and who to choose {yeah right ]

anyway she then Tells Dave lie if they showed the noms and if you watched me nom you cos you wanted to go home,  you know I am trying to be nice and send you home as you want but BB has made me say something bad about you  ..

gawd she is soooo gonna get into trouble  
Mount Olympus *Olly*