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Reply to "I know we shouldn’t panic but"

@Former Member posted:

More people in hospital and ICU in Florida than at any time in the pandemic. Local officials are powerless to impose restrictions because he governor has banned any mandates. This is going to get bad. And this wave was totally avoidable. 🤬

Channel 4 were reporting on the situation in Florida tonight, and interviewed Governor Ron DeSantis (by video). He said that the various Floridian doctors and nurses who C4 had filmed advocating mask-wearing and vaccination had "no understanding of the science whatsoever".

The also interviewed a woman who withdrew her child from a Florida school because it had a strong anti-vax culture, and was actually telling its pupils not to hug parents who'd been vaccinated because it was dangerous and the vaccine would seep into them through contact...

I'd like to think there will soon be a day of reckoning for the likes of DeSantis, but given that the Republican party is currently trying to pretend that January the 6th didn't happen, I fear not...

Eugene's Lair