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Reply to "I know we shouldn’t panic but"


Through daily observation I have seen how people are very quickly returning to type. The mixed messages from the government have not helped one jot. The social bubbles will just mean people will meet up with whoever they feel like. Today I have seen a group of 4 young women all enter a coffee shop when it clearly says only 5 customers at any time, there were already 2 customers in store. Jeez - these girls looked like Uni students, what the hell is wrong with them, clearly not maths students.


Today I saw lots of shops putting up posters saying "stay 2m apart in store", just after BJ has said he may relax the 2m rule.


I have noticed that a lot of shops will be opening from June 15th, let's see how keen the shops are to keep customers socially distanced when profits are at risk.


This whole thing has quickly crumbled into a complete fiasco.


The only thing I hope is that we do not see a rise in the infection rate and a return to lockdown.


Rant over . . . for now!


Enthusiastic Contrafibularities
Last edited by Enthusiastic Contrafibularities