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Reply to "I know we shouldn’t panic but"

@Saint posted:

I have been isolated for 2 months (maybe more - i've lost count) and will happily stay isolated til Xmas if necessary

I'm rudddy terrified to go out - thank God i don't work.

Then i see people just wandering around. Next door neighbour is 80+ and goes out every day  - sometimes shopping in ASDA

She has diabetes and he has COPD


Madness - sheer reckless madness

I'm still working from home, and despite Johnson's "Stay Alert" shift, my company's line is unchanged: they want us to stay at home wherever possible. I do go out, but only really for food and medicine - nothing like as often as I could, even before the exercise rule "relaxation".


I really want to stick to the spirit of the title of this thread, but I'm genuinely concerned about this weekend. The weather's not looking all that great, but there's already been increased traffic here to the local costal resorts.

I for one am definitely battening down the hatches instead... 

Eugene's Lair