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Reply to "I know we shouldn’t panic but"

Eugene's Lair posted:
Roxan posted:
Dame_Ann_Average posted:
Amythist posted:

Italy have twice the number of critical care beds per capita than the UK........we have 6.6 per hundred thousand people....Germany leads Europe with 30



They are making this up as they go along...This is nothing like what other countries are doing, all that fuss about a PM statement amounted to nothing much.... I've not slept a wink, I am so angry. Amy

Our excuse for a leader wants to stop the quarantine and send everyone back to work. Take the losses. And there are far less beds here and ridiculously few in ICU. 

For all our problems in the UK, I'm really concerned about what's happening in the US. The WHO are warning that the States is likely to soon become the centre of the epidemic. 


I've been following the infection numbers in the US, and - even allowing for the controversies surrounding access to testing - they're doubling every 2-3 days. If that continues unchecked, the States will overtake both Italy and China by the weekend. The simple mathematics of exponential growth means that - in theory - it could be in the millions by the end of next week! 


Trump has no interest in, or understanding of, science at the best of times, and tends to be downright hostile when it appears to be against his own interests. It's therefore little wonder that those who really do understand the situation like Dr Fauci are being side-lined. 


Again, a great big virtual  to you, Roxan, and all our other friends in the States. Please stay safe.

I second that 👍 
