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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"



so pleased to hear MrsH was strong enough to get another dose of chemo. Hope it went well and she does not get too strong a reaction to it.

I am so pleased to be hearing your food menu again, a good sign you have got stronger now. Strawberry tart, sounds yummy. Shame your son bought the wrong sausages for the BBQ. I expect he has got to get used to the British packaging again now.

Yes I am sure those special pants have been uncomfy in this heat, but I guess at least you have them in reserve if you need to go out somewhere where you are going to be out for awhile.

That was a big blow losing 500k, was it to do with work or crypto?

Have the children started going to their playschool yet? Or don't they start properly until after the summer hols?


Aaaww so sad, as you pass another anniversary.

Well done managing another walk in this damn hot weather!

I too had a terrible nights sleep. When I went upstairs to bed, I thought no way can I even attempt to sleep in this sauna, so I spent the night on a chair in the lounge. It was 31c here again today, so I will sleep downstairs again. These modern houses are so badly built, they get overheated. Our old stone, over 100 year old house, was so cool compared to this awful modern one!

Hope you sleep better tonight.

That's good you are happy with your deliveris, saves you bothering going on the bus.

I too never got attached to metric.   But as I said, I know some countries haven't changed over at all.

Yes I did enjoy the threads, and am looking forward to Gogglebox. Hope there is no news items, I am avoiding the news!

Went to see my friend today, but didn't stay long as it was so hot. Also, the poor thing has to go 3 times a week for dialasis so was due to go this afternoon. MrM has been helping her with her garden.

On the way home we went to a brilliant fish and chip shop there. Me and son tried their battered halloumi and it was delcious. We also had a cheese rissole, also delcious and pineapple circles in batter. Very nice. The rest of the family had fish and chips.

I feel exhuasted from the heat and humidity today but we are due a thunderstorm and will be releived to see the back of this 30c plus week!

Have a good evening both xxx
