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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xxx


glad you got a better nights sleep. Yes it is very light early morning, my sleep too has been disturbed lately during early mornings.

You did well walking that far and getting all your jobs done too. That's good you are happy with your garden now.

Yes Bake Off was good and we had fun on the forum too. Yes shame we can't get rid of misery though!

Why no HOtel Inspector? That's a shame. Has the series ended now?

Yes tv not much good again, will probably go for "Who do you think you are" on bbc.


Sorry you have a urine infection, hope the antbiotics soon clear it up.

That is such good news you are enjoying your family being around and they are helping get so many jobs done in house and garden.How sweet Elara helps with the watering.

That is brilliant you are starting to enjoy food again, a good idea to have takeaways with there being so many of you now.

Hot here today, went to my friends and MrM helped her put together her garden furniture, it was complicated as the instructions were wrong and the screws didn't line up, but it was quite a cheap one. He did manage it in the end though, then he cut her grass for her.

Had advcocado, toast, salad for tea, and daughter got some Krispy Creme delievered in a nice celebratory box to celebrate son getting his degree.

Goodnight both xxx
