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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Afternoon Mollie and Hicky . I slept a bit better last night , so I got my rear into gear today .3K Walk …tick ….garden tidying …tick…bed changed ..tick…duvet shuffle done …tick ….washing and ironing ..tick ….pork steaks for lunch …tick…..knackered Baz …tick .I hope everyone else is having a more relaxing day  than me .😀

Hicky , I’m so glad your Oz family have arrived safely ….I know it will be a comfort to you and Mrs H .I didn’t realise Sainsbury did their own brand of pants ….I tend to use Tena ….but I will certainly order some with my shopping this week and try them out .

Mollie , I thought Gogglebox was quite poor last night ….although that one guy was very well *endowed* ….not that I rewound or anythingGlad your daughter felt well enough to venture out to the book shop .We will be watching live next week….so come and join us if you can .

I hope you both have a good evening ….take care both .
