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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xxx


glad to see you like your new duvet and slept ok last night. You always sound busy to me.

Jenny and Lee are my faves too on Gogglebox, they just bounce off each other so well. London Zoo was good, and as you say, they are extremely found of the animals, but there seemed to be a lot of spiders on it, which I am not keen on!

Overcast grey or drizzly today, a lot cooler too, as the last 2 days have been sundress on the swingchair warm sunny days.

Yes I agree masks are important so should of been worn from the beginning, and we started and came out of lockdown too soon. So the public were lead to believe it was safe to go out and mix when it was plain it wasn't. So who knows where we are headed now? All of South Wales is now in lockdown to try and knock it on the head. Wales has been more cautious than the rest of the UK, (even though they don't have more cases), so lockdown is strict now. Cardiff airport is open but no one is allowed to fly from it for holidays. Essential travel only. A lot of virus cases were bought in from holiday makers coming back from Zante. So it makes sense to restrict the flyers.


Aaww that's sad you have had your seasonal change of clothes, that really does mean winter is not far away. Sounds like it was necessary though as it must of been cool if your heating came on.

I wonder how long you will be picking those grapes for? You have had a good crop of those. 

Shame about your kiwi but you had a good run with it as it was 8 years going.

I see you are enjoying your chess, which is nice.

The last 2 days have been so warm and sunny I have spent most of the day outdoors, so had to catch up with paperwork today.

Son could of gone into Uni today as they don't have the virus in Unis here. But his Uni have been really good and they have enabled students to stay home and study online if they choose or go into Uni in small groups. As he does work well at home and has an Apple and the software he needs, online will suit him. (his brother sourced him a 2nd hand Apple at a good price and just paid for an upgrade).  So he saves money/time on travel too.

Just watched BBC1 Panorama, about this NHS (Serco!) Test and Trace. What a shambles. Giving it to private companies (like Talk Talk failure Dodi) has wasted a shedload of tax payers money. The NHS specialists say public health specialists should of been put in charge. But this is what we get when NHS is privatised like this has been. They showed BJ originally saying it was as good as, if not better than any other in the world, and would be fully up and running on June 1st! And he said it would play a part in preventing a 2nd wave! Oh dear.

I dont' think it is the kissing, parties and Unis here giving the problems, its the repening of schools. 50 schools in the last week alone have cases! Wonder if when half term arrives next month, they will choose to close them for a 2nd week in the hope it slows down the spread?

Going to wacth the itv drama Honour now.

Goodnight both xxx

