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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Mollie.

Is the Pro-Tools is music editing software from what i can see, is that what you thought it was, i saw one similar from Adobe, not sure what the software is.

Not sure how you can blame Boris, didn't know he was spreading the virus, i blame the ones spreading it, everyone in the world knows what you should do to prevent getting it and spreading it, why is it so hard, who doesn't know what to do to keep safe, hands, face , space, is that difficult, how can you blame Boris for 15,000 people having a collective meeting in a park to protest against any restrictions.

And in the restaurants it was for those in a bubble to go to a table and have a meal, whats wrong with that, you can't blame him for trying to get us out of lockdown, the populations and idits have done this to us, nothing to do with Boris, it has been made clear time and time again, but noone is listening, it would be best if everyone in the country stayed at home till the virus has gone, is that what you want, i don't understand your problem.

Stay safe, Hands, Face, Space.


