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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Good Evening Baz.

Glad you slept ok, you have been busy.

My lad hasn't mentioned his leg, will have to check up

It was a bit warmer today, but last night my heating came on for a bit, light cloud, also had a bit of light rain and a gentle breeze.

Had a bacon and egg toasted sandwich for brekkie, for tea decided to slice/chop up the left over pork, fry it and make a pan of fries, i made a hot and sour soup and put some over the chopped pork to spice up the meal, it was very tasty.

Had some more grapes from the greenhouse, i just pick one of the many smaller bunches.

I cut the Kiwi vine down as the fruit this year is only half the size it should be which means the vine is under stress, but as i can't really repot it its best to let it go, it survived about 8 years, but once the growth slows and the fruit is small its time to go, last year i had no fruit at all.

I will be watching chess games from the grandmasters, i caught up with Love Island so will watch that recording later.

Had an email fron the NHS about a new test & trace app for my phone, but as i don't go out i haven't installed it yet.

I see Wales has more areas under lockdown, also the Uni's, i suppose they spend so much time shaking hands and kissing and having parties is it any wonder the virus has taken off.

Satay safe and keep smiling.
