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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

  both xxx


hope you are well and had a good day.


I too have a pay as you go phone, but its Nokia. Not an expensive one as I don;t do much online with it.

Shame the chorizo was missing out of the shopping, but at least it was only one thing.

The whole covid spread seesm to be growning throughout the UK. Wales can't stop English tourists coming here if Boris says they can, and if he has not locked their English area down, as he rules English people. Wales only has devolution which covers quite a few things, but not independance, so they couldn't go as far to block Wales off. But it looks like more places in England are finally being locked down now, so those areas won't be able to travel here anyway then.  Wales can only stop people leaving their local areas in Wales and close caravan/holiday parks which they have done in lockdown areas. 

Support for independance in Wales is growing now, just like it is in Scotland. We now have covid in a 2nd hospital here and the 1st hospital has more additional cases.  They said it started with 1 person who was a super spreader. (not sure what that means). So a worrying time for many whilst it is spreading so quickly.

Son is getting on well with his online Uni tutorials, which is good.

Thankfully my thumb is better than it was, it is still painfull if I do some things with it, so just ask for help when needed.

Thank you for the sausage link and the info on making them. I am sure my son will make these. They looks so much nicer than shop bought ready made ones. How many did you eat? The trouble is food like this is always tastier when fresh from the oven so its too temping to eat too many at a time then.

Your chess fella sounds real clever.

Watched GP's behidn Closed Doors, and then London Zoo.

Goodnight both xxx
