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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Baz.

19c again here with sun and a moderate breeze.

Glad you sle[t ok, you have done a lot of work, changing bedding is a pain.

Salmon is always nice to have, i usually have some in the freezer.

I've been taking some of the big old leaves off the outside vine to let more sun through, will have to redo the vine next year, too much growth to control, same with the greenhouse vine, have an idea what needs doing.

For brekkie had a egg in bacon and a round of my toast with irish butter.

I don't know if my area in under more restrictions or not, i don't go out so it doesn't make a lot of difference.

Just watching Outback Opal Hunters.

I have loads of recording so dont need the tv programs.

Keep safe and have a good evening.
