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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening All.

Hope you are OK Baz and are managing, such a struggle for you.

Not too bad today, more cloud that sun but 16c and a gentle breeze.

Had fish sandwiches for brekkie, plaice fillets, nice.

Been doing work on the Hydroponic side sorting out some Sweetcorn seedlings.

O/H made a lovely roast lamb dinner, tried to post it on twitter but it's not sending, for some reason.

Loads of people here been playing Bingo in the road for over 2 hours this afternoon, crazy people.

Got 2 Amazon deliveries today, the light so my lad in Oz can see us on the tablet and a jar of Chili paste, didn't know it had arrived till i looked on the web for tracking and it said delivered, it was on the front step, don't think they rang the bell.

Just watching Tipping point Lucky Stars.

If the twitter post works i will post it in here.

Will have to see what is on TV tonight.

Have a good Easter Monday tomorrow and stay safe.
