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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Good Evening Mollie.

We have 2 massive bottles of that Comfort, can't put it down the drain, or toilet, will put containers in the bin Thursday.

Yes, defo a lot nicer off the BBQ, the bacon, and everything else.

With the letter not arring yet the order will stay in the basket so to speak, o/h has had holidays deducted from her holiday roster, she had told them she didn't want the holiday periods changed and would take unpaid leave, without the letter we will be losing income and holiday times.

BBQ'd Pineapple sounds good, i have seen them do that.

I was going to have place fillets for tea with a hot and sour soup from the freezer, when o/h brought the 4 steak burgers with 4 fresh batches in, it all changed rather quick, soup back in freezer, fish stys in fridge, will make fish butties for brekkie tomorrow.

Just watching whatever is on if nothing i will watch recordings.

Have a good evening, stay in and stay safe.
