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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xxx

Aaaww Baz you poor thing, You certainly did a good job with that nasty break. So of course it is going to be normal to feel down as it is a slow job recovering. But I am glad your nurse friend was able to reassure you it was healing well. It is such early days for you now. Once you can weight bear at least it will be summer time so you can sit outside.

Do you know when the sewing bee starts and what channel as it sound like something i would like to watch.


Now your hydroponic stuff is hear, at least that will keep you busy for awhile.

I see your OH is still spoiling you, sausage rolls this time. A nice treat for you.

I too can't find much to watch on tv lately. So recordings for me too.

Ridiculous how you can't get Sainsbury deliveries with your problems and age group. Let's hope they pay attention now your MP has written.

Its a shame it is not time for your own hone grown fruit to be ready to go into your pastry.

Nice day again today. Sat for awhile on the swingchair and then helped son make cottage pie for dinner.

Didn't go for a walk today, as felt breathless after my tea. I too take the blue inhaler Hicky. Not sure if the pneumonia has left scaring on the lungs as the doc wrote to me saying they wanted to see me to discuss the repeat x ray results, but not to go to the surgery until after the pandemic. So won't even know for awhile, the receptionist said she is not allowed to discuss it.

Yes tv is awful right now, I too will be looking for some recordings.

Yesterday it was a year since we lost poor Emptybox.

He did his last post to us here late on 4//4/19 and he was gone by the 6th. But of course we didn't find out until a couple of weeks later when I managed to speak to his brother.  Poor fella, I still miss him.

I texted his brother to tell him we still miss him and said I wondered what he would of thought about the virus, as I knew what a great scientific mind he had. His brother said he was sure he would have an opinion on it, but would of worried about it a lot.

Goodnight both xxx
