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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Mollie.

They only made the prescription for 1 month, no it has to be picked up from the pharmacy in Sainsbury's some how.

To be honest, i doubt if the face mask and rubber gloves is enough or thats what they would be wearing in hospital, the staff i mean, but it's not, you need a full gown and the whole head and face, every part of your body in fact.

Thats the problem, and it's not the ones who are coughing and sweating you need to worry about, its everyone who is a carrier and have no symptoms.

I thought the hot water tank was a cylinder in a cupboard and the tank in the loft was to top the cylinder up with cold water when you use the hot, what is under the hot water tank, never heard of that.

We had another vid call from Oz this morning, had pictures from another lad making bread in a machine for the first time, had messages from another lad showing his food he makes, and his drwing, all working from home.

Bread using 50/50 white and wholemeal is good, need to add multi seeds though to make it more tasty to toast.

If you are going to grow veg in the ground the fertiliser should have gone in a while ago, if you are using tubs with shop bought compost you don't need fertiliser till later in the year as it come with the feed already in.

Don't put fertiliser down where you plant carrots, they don't like it.

Not sure about the slow release fertiliser, the best stuff for veg etc is a liquid feed so it can take it up straight away, i usually make my own compost tea when the plants are growing, the solid feed or powder feed is usually put in the ground long before spring.

Yes, dried milk is handy to have in, i have it in my coffee thats all, i haven't got a lot though.

We have moved 2 of the big wooden benches onto the slate at the side of the garage and going to move the swing seat onto it as well.

Not really interested in the Winsirs, they aren't interested in me.


I new Chantelle would never stop loving Preston, you could tell, their divorce must have killed her for ever.

I don't know what this treatment is, it can't effect the virus but maybe it helps the side effects of the virus, the body is the problem, if you can stop it trying to help a lot of people can live through this, it's not the virus that kills people, its what you body does to try to help that does.

But anything at this time is a bonus if it can keep people alive.

Have a good evening, sleep tight.
