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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"


good to hear Baz has had the op at last. Let's hope she recovers ok enough to get home soon. And even though, its not going to be easy for her coping at home, I think she will be relieved to be back in her own home.

I think you made the right decision to pass on the breakfast out. Despite being inundated with special offers (eg..a 40% off today), there's no way i am eating out now.

I agree a lot of companies are in big trouble now, in fact I think the world as we knew it has changed. I just hope this virus doesn't stay around too long.

Not surprised the shelves were empty when your OH went to work. I tried to book an online delivery and there were none for the whole of the 3 weeks. I did manage to get one from Asda though, but the next one was 3rd April. I am now avoiding going to Costco.

I am reminding myself of my mother the way I am talking about not wasting food ("we lived through the war rationing you know, so we don't waste food" she always said).  Bless her.

As there is 5 of us at home, we get through a lot of food each week and with it being harder to get hold of now, I have told the family no one is allowed to waste a thing. eg left overs of last night's boiled potatoes to be fried tonight, I put cheese on top of left over mash again and enjoyed it as a pie. The choc and crisps treats we have are shared between us. Son who has mainly taken over the cooking  is very good at planning this though. Daughter makes the desert, we had lovely lemon cake yesterday, choc cookies next, but now son is complaining she is using the eggs too fast, so we won't get yorkshire puddings with tea.   They had no eggs at all when I went to Costo. Or crisps.

Your menus always sound so interesting.

Son is making white sauce and adding some chicken breast to it for tea tonight. We will add veg and his yorkshire puddings.

Raining again today, I wish the weather would improve, so we could go a nice walk.

I heard all the National Trust were opening their gardens for free, but just closing the houses attached to them. What a good idea to get people in the fresh air, but able to isolate away from others.

Good idea to spend some time in your summerhouse. Yes thank goodness it is nearly spring.

Have a good day. 

