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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xxx


hope the wind has died down now, we were lucky in that we didn't get the wind.... just greyish skies but ok.

Did you buy anything nice from Sainsburys?

Good job you had the chest freezer to put the food in.

Thank you so much for sharing the Emptybox family secret recipe for the mince casserole and the bolognase.  I would never of thought of putting in the soup, but what an excellent idea, I bet that helps bring out the flavour of the rest of the ingredients.

I enjoyed Dancing on Ice, but thought the contestants this week were not as interesting as last weeks group. I too enjoyed Vera, but did have trouble following the story!


that is good to hear your OH is getting out and about so well and also the weather was ok for you to go in the garden. Hope the weather stays nice for your walk in New Brighton tomorrow.

I agree and don't like Jason as a judge, his marks are so unreasonable.

Our big American type fridge/freezer is also automatic. I used to hate having to defrost too.

Went to aqua fit today, and had a swim first. Have to get rid of the 5lb in weight I put on over Christmas, and I don't think I overate too much either! It was just the wroing stuff I guess, eg nachos and sour cream, Christmas choccies. Am replacing this now with lots of veg and fruit.

Neighours got home from India tonight, they were exhausted. Daughter real sad as she won't be needed to look after the dog now, so will miss him sleeping at her feet each night. She is still coughing but seems a bit better today.

I am sick of brexit talk now, what a load of clowns we have ruling this country. All they do is make sure the rich get richer though. We had a vote and voted to leave EU, so just tell EU to get lost wihtout giving them loads of our money!

Watched Cold Feet, really good.

Hicky, did you recognise the scenery where the wedding was? So beautiful there.

Goodnight both xxx
