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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Hi both.
Wet and windy this morning. Dried up later but stayed windy and dull all day, so I didn't go out to work, but went into town to get some stuff from the natural pharmacy.


Hicky. That was quite a haul from the Butchers. Your freezers will be full to the brim.
Pity you need dental work, but always best to avoid biting metal forks.

This job hadn't had their grass cut since the 9th of October so it had grown a bit since then. I didn't leave it too short anyway.


You know what I feel about Brexit. I think we'd be better staying in the EU and having a say in how it is run.
The kind of freedom the brexiteers want is all very well, but if it means disaster for the economy, jobs being lost, prices going higher and everybody being poorer then I don't see it being worth it?
(not to mention reigniting the 'troubles' in Ireland)
Whether it's politicians in Westminster or politicians in Brussels making the decisions; they're still politicians.
Mind you, the proposed deal seems to keep us tied to the EU, but having zero say in how it's run, so I don't know what's for the best?


Mollie. That was nice you got an invite to the Aqua fit group's Xmas do.
Now all you need to do is secure invites from all the other groups you are trying out, and you'll have a lot of Xmas meals. Just as long as they are on different days.....


I'm not sure if anybody could have negotiated a better Brexit deal Mollie?
The EU is a powerful block, and they have no incentive to give concessions to a country that's not going to be part of that block any more.
That was always going to be the way of it sadly.


Watched GPs then Apprentice.

Last edited by emptybox