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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening both.
Raining this morning, so I was able to get some housework done. I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom and did the dusting.
So at least the house will be partly clean for my visitors.
Hopefully I'll find time to run the hoover round before the weekend.


I also went into town to do some banking and get some extra provisions such as some dairy milk, as Bro and SiL like it in their tea.
The afternoon was actually sunny and quite warm. Haven't seen the sun for ages.
I did one job even though the grass was soaking wet, because I've got to get on.


Hicky. Glad you were able to get on despite the rain.
Didn't know what a curry beef triangle was, but I googled it.

With the tomatoes I go out first thing every morning and feel the top of the pots, and if they are damp I don't water, but if they are dry I do. So they never get the chance to dry out fully.
Thanks for the moisture probe link.


Mollie. My Brother has only become a bike fan in the last few years.
My Dad was a bike fan all his life, but my Brother didn't seem too bothered till he was over 50.
Yeah, you don't really see sidecars on modern bikes. They were more a thing in the 1950's and 60's, when people couldn't afford cars, so had a motorbike and sidecar instead. So when you see them now they are usually on vintage bikes.


Not surprised your doggie doesn't like the rain.
That's good that you've almost recovered from your Aqua Fit session. Those water shoes sound like they would be useful.
That was nice of you to look in on neighbour's dog.

Last edited by emptybox