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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Both.

A mainly cloudy day for a Monday, very little sign of the sun, dry though, light winds of 8 rising to 16.

Had my fave brekkie, bacon black pudding and beans, yummy.

Have decided i will dig up the remaining raspberry plants and plant new ones in November, i'll just plant 6 so they will have plenty of room, they are a bit close at the mo, i have removed 2/3rds all ready but they were not Joan J.

Just made a big plate of Nacho's, yummy, o/h had got me 2 kits after i mentioned it one day, i used half the kit which made a good size meal, topped of course with my own grown pickled JalapeƱo Chilies, i had loads of cheese to grate and you layer it as it says on the box, it reminded me of what we had when in the Bar in NYC watching the Liverpool football Match, and it was nearly as good, and of course have enough stuff to make another 3 meals, and the kits are pretty cheap as well, i certainly won't be making my own triangle crispy things.

Had a letter from HMRC called "Beat the Deadline - Send your Tax return early" wouldn't it be nice if humans could join HMRC instead of them recruiting robots, then it tells me everything that doesn't apply to me and at the end it says why don't you open a personal tax account.

You would think they could set up a spread sheet per person and use a formula, then a robot could read the spreadsheet and following a prearranged equation could see if a particular leaflet was appropriate for a person, sending out the wrong mail and emails is not really what a government department should be doing.

When i was writing programs with some manufacturers i could use indirect addressing which let me look at conditions in registers, which of course would be a 1 or a 0 but some registers could hold a numerical number say 123 and i could compare this number collected to a number in another store to see if that number was greater or smaller which was one bit in an equation of many parts in order to see if the total of conditions have been met in order for the final bit to be turned on which means the test has been passed.

Mollie, I'm pretty sure if o/h rang the docs she could find out her BMI but will she, no idea.

Those curry sachets from Costco sound a good idea, just keep them handy for when you fancy one.

I was watching the Darts Fri to Sun, it was from Australia, same next #weekend as well, but in a different part, Been watching the Australian Border Force again, amazing.

Yes, a lot of Oz is in thje Winter period now isn't it, a vast array of temperatures with the country being so vast.  

Emptybox, I used to have the same BMI as you, but that was when i was a lot younger, i used to be 11 stone for many many years, but once i started with a belly it all went to pot.

I stopped snacking a long time ago, at night i often have a little tin of Sild in tomato sauce, so yummy.
