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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xxx


gosh that is not good the plumber didn't seem to know what he was doing and left a fumes smell. Hope it has gone now, if not you will have to email landlady. It is supposed to be a safety check, not one that messes up what you have! And how annoying that the "morning" call ended up being 1.15pm! No wonder you only had chance to get one job done.


fancy leaving you waiting all that time, then sending you somewhere else! What did they say about the wound? Is it healing ok? You said you didn't get away till 1pm, so what time did you leave the house? I bet it was quite a long time before that!

Sounds like it is a good job your OH went to the GP, at least she has been offerred an x ray and some steroids. Hope the steroids help. Has it improved at all?

Hope your cake mixes turn out ok. I am sure your loaf will as you have been getting practice in for that.

I am with you both in finding it hard to sleep in a hot house at night. I have my big fan and my mini fan blowing on me all night, and it is still hot.

Took dog walk before 8am and we had a nice cool breeze then, but it didn't last for long as it heated up quickly in the sun.

Here in Wales we have weather warning for thunderstorms next! And a forecast of 30c. Oh no! So forecaster said real humid air to hit some time tomorrow, and it is bad enough in the heat already! 

We went to costco today, got a few things and enjoyed lunch there, as it was air conditioned. I am not using my kitchen oven in this heat! So it was salad for tea , and the family had a cooked chicken from costco. Their cooked chickens from costco are huge!

Didn't watch anything on tv tonight, OH watched footie. And there is no Love Island.

Should be interesting tomorrow as you say HIcky with the new lot settling in. The girl chatting to Alex seems nice, and a natural beauty minus the botox and swollen lips and heavy make up which most of the other girls there have seemed to of gone for.

Goodnight both xxx
