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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Hi all.
Started off cloudy and windy here and quite cool. But the sun came out this afternoon, and it ended up warm again. Probably only up to 19 degrees though.
Got a few jobs done after the plumber had been.


The plumber came about 9.20am, so not exactly first thing. He was here for an hour, so longer than the actual service.
The leak wasn't coming from the joint I thought, but was dripping on to that from above. At first he thought it was a flexible pipe leaking, so he replaced that, but found there was still a leak, so he had to take off the oil pump and reseal that, and he now says the leak is cured.
There doesn't seem to be a drip now certainly, but there's still a very strong smell. I think it's because the oil/kerosene has soaked into all the insulation material. He mopped up as much as he could, but there's probabl;y more hiding, so will take a while to clear. He just advised keeping the window open and the door shut.


I've booked my van in for it's MoT on Thursday, so that's another thing to worry about.
Also I seem to have a problem with my current account. Four customers usually pay me over the internet with BACS payments, yet none of those payments have reached my account yet, even though they are usually prompt payers.
I suppose it could be a coincidence and they are all on holiday or something, but if they don't go through soon I'll have to investigate to see if my bank is rejecting the payments for some reason.
I guess I'll also need to ring the customers and ask them if they've paid.
My account seems to be working for direct debits OK, but if I can't pay into it then that could be a disaster, if there's not enough to cover next months D/Ds.
Perhaps it's some glitch that could be sorted out easily? But you've got to have confidence in the system.


Hicky. Glad your SiL was pleased with what you gave her.
Oh dear! Hope your neighbour was OK after her fall.

Yes, I might need to reboot that phone. It does sometimes sort out problems with it.
It's behaved itself today though.


Mollie. Those fly sheets might be a good idea, especially if this hot weather continues for any length.
Yes, I can see me getting symptoms with all these things going on. Especially the bank problem, which might take hours on the phone to sort out.
Not sure Oklahoma is my thing? Never heard of the boyband, but they seem OK.
I've seen those mini veg packs in Lidl. Might try them.
