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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Both.

A bit late, have been having a BBQ for tea, also had the same midday

Hot today again, 26c wall to wall sun, very light winds.

Made a Victoria Sandwich by Marry Berry, but messed up again, put the wrong setting, i premixed the ingredients and used the bake setting but forgot the setting for the crust colour is for the bread, on the bake the crust colour is the baking temperature and i used light setting which is 100c and the med setting is 150c, oh dear, couldn't get it out of the pan either, and i even greased it, it will do me but not sure about o/h.

O/H brought back from her shopping trip with her mum a big red crab, will sort it in the morning before it get hot.

O/H was picking cherries today, wasn't sure if she was going to stop, lots of fruit and veg can be picked now.

Had a steak burger for late brekkie, for tea had chops and cocktail sausages from the BBQ.

O/H's knee is troubling her so she has rang work, she is going to the Walk in Centre with me Saturday morning, it's her Arthritis thats flared up again. 

My cords for my 2 pair of glasses came, it's better than having one pair hooked into my shirt pocket as it falls out, the cords are great.

O/H want one of the outdoor pools, these 

Intex Pure Spa - 6 Person Bubble Therapy Hot Tub

Mollie, My eye is fine today, yes, third injection of the set, not sure whats next.

Yes, o/h took me and picked me up later.

It's all happening on Love Island, and another 6 girls and 6 boys going in, wow, that will confuse things.

It was hard to sleep last night, don't like a fan though.

Emptybox, Yes, my right arm is in a mess, main thing is keeping infection out, there is 2 big holes right through all the skin layers but hopefully with the nurses looking after it i can get it healed, the dressing is 15cm x 9cm but i have to keep it dry.

About the hedge trimmer, does the back edge of the tooth on the blade wear? not sure if someone has tried to sharpen the back of the tooth. looking at sharpening instruction, if you didn't know better, when they say turn the blades over and sharpen the other side, you could if you didn't know better you could sharpen the same tooth instead of the teeth on the other blade.

I would say the blades jammed because the back of the tooth is either worn or been sharpened, but as it stood with a slope on the back of the tooth it meant that the tooth would try and ride over the branch.

The blade wasn't twisted, i just need to find out how the back of the tooth got a slope on it, as like that it was unlikely to cut much at all without jamming, and with that machine, if it jams once it's scrap.
