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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Emptybox.

Another glorious day here, rather hot, 23c scorching sun all day, very light breeze 3 to 9.

Didn't have brekkie, waited for o/h to come home from her mums then we set up a meal for 5pm, i cooked a boneless lambs leg and she made a salad, used spring onions frpm the garden and had some of the mint i made, very nice too.

I made a Vanilla sponge cake, very nice too, she loves it, and i only overbaked it by 5 minutes, the problem with the cake mixes is that the pack size varies, and she doesn't want filling or icing on top, not even icing powder sprinkled over it.

You know i was sharpening the blades on the gardeners electric hedge cutter, he said it kept jamming and the motor ran but the blades didn't, well after i had sharpened it and greased/oiled it all i tried it and it ran for a few seconds, so it's obvious something serious is wrong unless it has a type of cluctch or something to disconnect the motor from the blades if it jams, anyway, it wouldn't drive the blades so i rang him and said can i take it to bits to find out what the problem is, and i told him it won't be going back together unless it's repairable, anyway, the problem is, the drive shaft on the motor has a 4 tooth bit on the end of the motor shaft, that sits against the rotary cog which is pert of the drive for the blades, it is a joke really, never seen anything so badly designed, when all the parts wear it will allow the 4 tooth cog which is 5mm in diameter to jump which then wears the teeth until they wear round with jumping the cog that it's driving,  but then it gets so worn that the teeth no longer can drive at all, i can tell just by looking at the way that it is put together that when it stops you just bin it, no way would they sell spare parts for repair, in fact you would have to buy a new motor which would cost more than the original machine, but you can't buy one anyway.

 The watering didn't come on this morning in the greenhouse as the sensor was sending a damp signal to the control.

Put a little sun lotion on today as the sun was so fierce.

Been looking through the receipts from the holidays, wow, some expensive tickets, one tip included was $55 dollars US, they must make a fortune in tips that all i can say, if they did that here the waiters would be driving Range Rovers.

I've told them to put the delivery form the Asian superstore in the Porch, i could be in the garden.

Have ordered some glasses cords as i need to go outside with both glasses as i need the sun glasses in this sun but when i go in the shed or in the house i have to change glasses or i can't see.

All my bedding was drying outside today, have had to take the inside out from the duvet as it's too hot so will sleep under the duvet cover.

Going to make another loaf tomorrow, got plenty of stuff.

Did Mollie go away somewhere?
