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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xxx



You certainly have a lot of summer daylight up there. I thiink it gets light about 4am here. It is so nice to have these light summer evenings though. We never got them in Australia and my neighbour from India tells me they don't there.

67 hours viewing, that will be some viewing for you.

That is annoying you have to plan your work week round the plumber coming! We get those gas checks every year and I hate someone having to come in the house to do work. Can't you tell LL you want him to come in the morning as you have work committments?


hope you managed to get into your garden today.

After a week of drizzle/grey, we at last we got some sun, so got lots of washing done and dried outside.

We also went for an evening walk down seafront and had our tea in the fish and chip cafe. I had beans/chips with cheese, and a glass of rose. OH and son had fish, chips, mushy peas. Very nice. Then got a few things from the shops. eg batteries.

Hope you both had a bit of sun too today. Next week forecast is real hot, not keen on too hot though.

Looking forward to watching Love Island later.

Watching Corrie now.

Have a good evening both xxx
