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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xxx


hope it got a bit warmer there today, but have my doubts it did, as it was quite a bit cooler here. But I hope you managed to get some work done.

Yes I forgot to mention how good the lidl raspberries are. Shame you find the rest of the fruit and veg doesn't last so long though.

As you guessed I am rather partial to flowery attire.   Don't like plain black or brown stuff, but like a bit of colour or floral.


Glad you got the good weather so could carry on sorting your garden things out. Shame you couldn't get your spring roll wrappers especially after getting a taxi to sainsburys, and then you had trouble with your samosas.  Glad the 8 you made were good though.

I think a lot of places don't bother asking you to send stuff back, as the admin involved and postal costs to sort it out, just aren't worth it. But it is good luck for you they told you to keep it as it might come in usefull.

Bit annoying they couldn't sort your prescription out, but that is the trouble when their IT crashes everything comes to a halt.

Not a bad day today weather wise. It was a bit cooler which is a good thing as it has been very stuffy lately.

Did a bit of food shopping in Asda.... and I just happened to see this flowery dress half price at £6 and it fitted perfect, so I just had to stick it in the trolley.

I think OH gets puzzled when I need to to somewhere and always say I have nothing to wear.

Just watched a bit of Love Island as I was out in the garden and then busy with paperwork till then.

Goodnight both xxx
