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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

both xx


gosh you were busy getting work done at 6 different places. Weekend off now?

Yes places looking a bit yellow here too, although today we have had a lot of rain, so don't think it will be yellow now.

No I don't think my lad has that book, so thanks for the hint, I am sure he will enjoy that one too. (even if it has been out for a few years.) My OH fancies going to Dubronvik to do the Game of Thrones walk next as they enjoyed seeing the Irish ones where GOT was filmed.

Yes I have a cordless one, and although it still works, the on/off button is not right, sometimes it takes a few goes to get it to turn on. So I might get one at auction as a back up. We use ours so much, they do tend to pack in quickly.

The G tech looks good for a hedge cutter, but I wonder if they would last long enough to get good vaule for their price? We used to have their vacuum, but that packed up. Doesn't matter so much if they pack up and you don't pay much for them though, eg the link HIcky gives is a good price. Lidl sell them now and again too, we have found their electricals good.


glad you got out for brekkie, makes up for what you missed the other day.

Hope you remembered to take your jacket when you went shopping in Sainsburys.

I am sure with your practice, you will get there soon for cake making.

Good job you could change the cursor to black so you could see it easier. How are your eyes now? Has the treatment helped them overall now? Yes good job they did remember to give you some sort of feedback re the kidneys.

Gosh £10k is a lot of money! I guess it is an expensive time to stay if you go for Christmas as that is their main summer hols time over there. Plus flights will be expensive. And being Sydney, costly of course. Let's hope your lad can put you up if you do want to go.

That is so lucky as you didn't check before you bought, that your garden did turn out to be south facing. As you say, most important as you spend so much time in it, and to grow produce it is brilliant to have sun.

Glad to see they keep adding new ones to Love Island, I would like to see a nice woman suitable for Alex come in.

Went to the Cats Protection open day today. I like to support them as the volunteers work so hard. You can wonder round and see the cats, and read a bit about them. So sad,  I especially feel sorry for the cats whose owners have died, and the poor owners who have had to go into care and so their cats are there now to be rehomed. The poor owners must miss them. They rehomed nearly  2300 cats last year alone! So I go and support them at their summer fayre by buying cakes (the volunteers make wonderful cakes!), buying raffle tickets etc. Last year I won a beautiful crochured blanket in the raffle (one of the volunteers made it) and this year they rang me and said I had won a prize in the raffle again. How lucky was that? I will collect tomorrow or next week.

Not much on tv tonight, so watched Mrs Brown.

My son and daughter are on Uni summer hols, so are off the Eurosdisney on Tuesday. So we collected some Euros for them from Tesco today. It is a special Marvel theme for this summer, and they both love Marvel, so hopefully they will really enjoy it.

Rained heavy till late afternoon, so was very cool too.

Goodnight both xxx
