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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening both.
Nice start to the day, very sunny. Then just as i was cutting my grass, the black clouds rolled in and it started to thunder. However the rain didn't last long, and it was back to sunshine for my trip to Lidl this afternoon.


Hicky. That was nice that your OH appreciated your brekkie in bed efforts. Hope she does the same for your latest chocolate cake.
Rather you than me having to work out your complicated watering system. But I know you love tinkering with it.


Mollie. You don't always talk in mixed up rubbish. You make sense....sometimes.

I watched Antiques Roadshow as well, but as you say, it was a bit boring.
I then watched Poldark, for the first time in a few years. I had watched the first series, but then none of the others.
Must say, apart from there being a few children running around, almost nothing else seems to have changed; including the costumes.


