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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Both.

19c today, sunny intervals, a nice day, a slight breeze of 11 to 15.

Had bacon and toms on toast for brekkie.

Have started the next session of feeding all the trees etc.

Did i tell you that the plastic cup measure that came with the new breadmaker was broken inside the packing inside the bread pan, well, i had rang them when i unpacked it and they said they would send me another, a parcel came this morning, a bit bigger than i was expecting, and guess what, it wasn't the little plastic cup measure, it was a new bread pan, the whole unit that makes the bread/cake, flabbergasterised i rang them, they were very sorry and will send the cup, i asked about the brean pan (they cost a lot), they said keep it as a spare part.

Have ordered my next prescription, will be ready tomorrow, this surgery are so quick, and i saw on the web that Sainsbury's sell frozen square spring roll wrappers, so want some of those, also need icing sugar.

I used some more of the Rice paper wrappers to finish the spring roll mixture i made, it made 11, have frozen them for another day.

For tea i had crisp-bread, with shrimps, toms, cheese and spiced meats with mayo and butter.

tested the new 3 section watering system this morning, system 1 has 10 spray heads, system 2 has 29 spray heads, which includes the raised beds, system 3 has 14 spray heads including the bug hotel roof garden.

Mollie, After offering o/h some of the cake she gave her verdict, showing me the side of the cake and telling me that it was overbaked, showing 2 lines of doneness, of course with my eye's it's not so obvious, maybe it was done when the machine beeped to tell me it was done, but when i looked in it didn't look cooked, i did the skewer test but wasn't convinced and set it for another hour, was going to open the lid early but didn't want it to drop in the middle, anyway, o/h has told me how to test it, and on the web they suggest the digital temperature probe, a reading of 98.9c is done.

It's the Antiques Road Trip i watch, and Put your money were your mouth is.

Love Love Island, and watched the Aftershow last night, only on a  Sunday, good though, the ones that leave are on it, they leave on a Friday and on the show Sunday, think it's called Aftersun, or something. 

Emptybox, I'll get the cake right before long, also can't wait to make some bread, and this can make a big loaf of 1500g, it also does 1000g and 1250g.

When i compare my watering system's complexity to writing a 150 pages of code for a special type of material handling lift carrying car doors in Germany, the watering seems rather simple.
