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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Both.

Not bad today, 7.2c sunny as well as some cloud, dry with light 9 winds.

Just had a burger for brekkie with onions.

Sorted my spices out, filled the small plastic containers, about 13 i think, the contents for 2 of those not arrived yet.

Had an idea as well, it came to me that the black tubing 13mm internal dia is 16 outside so i drilled a hole in the clay where one of the posts for the fruit cage will go, the bit, which is 19mm drilled the hole 18" deep and i put a piece of the plastic pipe in to keep the hole open and show where the post will be, i should be able to make all the holes now and just put a 2" tube in till i need the cage.

Took one of my curries from the chest freezer for tea, made a egg fried rice, put some Lime Pickle in the curry, very nice anyway.

Have decided i need 5 lots of frozen veg, to save buying the fresh veg and freezing it, anyway, i need Onions, Peas, Peppers, Carrots and Cauliflower Florets, will have to see how i am going to get them, maybe i can order from Iceland.

Mollie, If you replace a tyre then it has to match the one on the other side as you can't have odd tyres front or rear, probably why you needed the 2, also the car will drive better when both are new.

I never got any free food from Costco because o/h seemed to be in a hurry, she has to stay close to a loo like Emptybox, 

I saw an earthquake mentioned in the online news but didn't see where it was.

Wow, that could have been nasty, good job it was not too big anyway.

Emptybox, I understand what you say about the symptoms, but things don't tend to stay the same, hope it doesn't get worse, not sure why the TURP op should make you incontinent as there are 2 sort of valves which have to open/close for the urine to pass, the prostate being one, but the second which is the pelvic floor needs a bit of retraining, well thats what they said, it only takes a day of so for that, it's all down to clenching to train the muscles.

The problem with the catheter was because of my bladder lining which has like ulcers or something and they release skin and the tiny bits of skin was blocking the catheter so it didn't work so had to keep calling them out to change it, when i took 1 to bits to see where it was blocked i couldn't believe how small the the passage way was it was about the thickness of a needle so anything in the water at all would stop the flow.

I like the Curling, but so hard to win.

DOI now anyway.
