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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening Both.

Not bad here today, 6.2c dry but only 3 hrs of sun, winds 6.2.

Had bacon, black pudding and baked beans on toast for brekkie.

Used a cup cake baking tray to cover with cling-film and put ginger/garlic paste in each of the cup sections, maybe 15, they are in the freezer now, hope they freeze and then i can put them into plastic bags.

Didn't do anything in the garden, had a delivery of the spice shaker and my pack of Post-it note pads.

Decided to make the Prawn Biryani the same as the Grandpa video, wow, he calls it quick and easy, well it took me hours, i will have to re-watch the video and rewrite the recipe as the way i have it makes it quite hard to follow, i have everything on it and it tasted lovely, never had a real meal made with the actual spices, strange thing is, he doesn't just use the spices once in the recipe but twice, also green chillies go in twice and so do onions, it calls for Yogurt as well.

My fresh Yogurt turned out fine, this batch was just plain and it made a Kilo, it says it will keep for 2 weeks anyway.

Of course the meal ended up enough for 2 so i will freeze a tub of it, not wasting it.

I was looking at a Wok on the Procook site, they do make lovely stuff, had stuff off them before, but the cheap Carbon Steel Wok for £12 says  for all hobs except Induction, but the 2 Wok set underneath them has a review that says his Carbon Steel Wok works perfect on his Induction hob, i rang the company to check, i showed her the review, also when i google Carbon Steel it says it if fine for Induction, the girl said she would ring me back when she gets it checked out.

Have ordered repeat prescription online from the new Medical Centre, they have 5 Doctors and some Nurses, will have to see how it goes.  

Mollie, Yes, the vine support cord fitted the strimmer as it is strimmer cord, it's just far cheaper than buying vine cord.

The Yogurt turned out fine, it makes so much, wow, but this is plain as i wanted it for the meals really.

I looked at the links, those fine are good, i don't think the non stick is good enough on most, it doesn't last long, that Wok is too expensive, wow.

Oh dear, forgetting the death certificate was a nuisance, can't be helped, just means another trip i suppose.

Thats a good price for the shirts, you don't need expensive ones do you.

The forecasters have been saying that it looks like we are in for a really bad 2 weeks, the weather pattern has altered and we could get the winds from Russia which is bad news as they have -8c.

Emptybox, Is the machine with the 1 to 4 setting just a freezer with no fridge as part of the unit? if the freezer is 3 Star then why would it have a setting with those numbers as 1 to 4 is a temperature for a fridge, 1c to 4c, the fridge should be on 3c and it should be between 0 and 5 which is 1 to 4, but you need to see the manual to check what it is for, but don't alter it till you know.

Differing tread patterns on the tyres may effect driving in the rain etc, as the ability to hold the road will be different from 1 tyre to the other, thats why you should really have, really think that we should have 2 sets of tyres, a Winter set which we put on from Autumn and a Summer set that gets put on say Spring as Winter tyres have special rubber for the Winter as it's stays soft under 7c and the tread is deeper and wider to get rid of water to stop aquaplaning and the wide treads collect snow which helps braking and control.

I am only happy in a car if it is a 4x4 with a Dash Cam front and rear and Winter Tyres, that gives me confidence on the road, any less and i feel vulnerable.

I find it hard to catch the Curlers on tv, i will see tomorrow as it's the women's semi of final.

I can't watch someone losing or having lost fingers, not my thing, too squeamish.

Last edited by Hicky