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Reply to "Hicky's Chat Room"

Evening both.
Not too bad day here. Some sunshine but very cold.


Hicky. Your brekkie sounds good, as does those Lemon Shortbread Thins.
Hope you enjoy your salted cod.
That's good that you could get on in the garden anyway. I thought of doing something, but I'll wait till the snow is away I think.
Yes it's ironic that you can travel all round the world without hassle, but the system in your own country lets you down.

You must be one of Amazon's best customers?
I used to get deliveries on a Sunday, but my last few things from Amazon have all come with the postie, and of course he doesn't come on a Sunday. Even though I've got Amazon Prime, so am supposed to get next day delivery, the last few deliveries have all taken 2 or 3 days to come.
I think they must be reeling back on the next day stuff for rural areas to save cost.


Mollie. Don't take my word on the tax thing. It might just be that you'll have a tax return to fill in for your Mum, depending on the complexity of her affairs. With us the solicitor dealt with all that again. I think he came to some arrangement with HMRC that a tax return wasn't needed, as all the tax stuff was straightforward.
Just make sure you're not doing all the work, and then having to pay the solicitor for doing very little.


Yes it's a great nuisance having to deal with all this phoning and form filling at a time you want to be grieving.
I remember picking up my Dad's ashes from the undertaker in my work van, and telling the undertaker that I didn't think my Dad would object to riding in it one last time.
We buried them in the garden in the same place my Mum's ashes had been buried 6 years previously. Under a rose bush.


I've tried Linda McCartney veggie sausages before. They are very tasty, but taste more like stuffing than actual meat. I like to have vegetarian stuff every now and again though.


I swithered over whether to watch that 'Trauma' thing, but in the end plumped for 'Collateral', the police thing on BBC2 with Carey Mulligan. It was very good; looking forward to the next episode. :cool;
